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Access to Higher Education

A full Level 3 qualification recognised by UK universities

If you’re 19 years old or over and interested in any of the following exciting careers, an Access to Higher Education course is a way of achieving your dream job.

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Access to Higher Education
Art & Design

Graphic Design

Access to Higher Education
reative Arts Pathway


Access to Higher Education
Healthcare Professions


Access to Higher Education
Healthcare Professions


Access to Higher Education

Social Work

Access to Higher Education
Humanities & Social Sciences

Sound Engineering & Music Production

Access to Higher Education
Music Technology


Access to Higher Education
Humanities & Social Sciences

Access courses allow students to progress to university degrees after one year of study at College. The Access programme provides you with the relevant knowledge and study skills you’ll need if you’ve been out of education and want to successfully complete a degree course.

Key Points

Access to Higher Education Diplomas are full Level 3 qualifications recognised by UK universities that allow students over 19 to progress to university-level study. They are legally equivalent to A levels.

All of our Access to Higher Education courses are either free or can be financed through the Government’s Advanced Learner Loan but no ‘up front fees’ either way.

There is more good news, if you take out the tuition fee loan for an Access course and then go on to a degree the cost is ‘written off’ so you never have to pay anything back!

To study on this course, you generally need determination, commitment, and GCSE grade(s), depending on the Access course you choose. Some courses may have further entry requirements, so please check this before you apply.

Interested in taking an Online Access to Higher Education Course...

Meet the Students...

Meet the Student


Access to Higher Education student Annie came back into education not only to complete her music studies, but to take it in a whole other direction by focusing on Music Technology.

Meet the Student


If you think studying whilst also being a full-time mum is impossible, well here is Chelsea to prove you wrong. She’s already well on her way to turning her dream career of a midwife into a reality on the Access to Higher Education - Healthcare course!

Meet the Student


Access to Higher Education Healthcare student Doris tackled language barriers and more to achieve her goal of working in Healthcare, and is now well on her way to making a real difference to other peoples’ lifes.

Meet the Student


Meet Matthew, who made the exciting decision to completely change his career and future with an Access to Higher Education course in Computing.

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