"After I complete my A Levels, I am going to Sheffield Hallam University to study Illustration as my dream job is to be an illustrator in the creative industry.”
"I got to visit Leeds Crown Court and sit in public viewing for a case with my Law class which gave me insight and perspective into real-life law and order"
“I enjoy our activity and expeditions classes most – we have done a lot of activities with NCS (the National Citizen Service) such as rock climbing and raft building."
“The Public Services course has improved my confidence all-around and it’s going to set me up for my future as I want to do an apprenticeship with the fire service which we learn lots about."
"We have done lots of volunteering and trips such as hiking Kinder Scout in the Peak District, a ski trip to Italy, visits to Wakefield Trinity, the Coal Mining Museum and more. ”
"All the tutors are supportive and give you personalised feedback which has helped me improve in all areas of dance, especially with picking up choreography quicker."
“My favourite thing about the course is taking part in the performance such as the Christmas Performance and Summer Festival. So far, we’ve done Snow White and Wizard of Oz."
" I love studying here - the place and the people are amazing and it’s so comfortable. I’ve actually met my best friend and lots of other close mates here, so staying just feels so right"