Students talking to staff member

You don’t have to let a lack of money stop you from coming to College. Funding may be available if your financial circumstances make it difficult for you to complete your College course.

For more information on any funding or money matter issues, please contact the Group’ Financial Support Team at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bursary Information
For some students aged 16-19 from households with a gross income of less than £32,000 per annum, your child/ward will be eligible for a Bursary, which means they will be able to travel to College free of charge. The Bursary also provides assistance with meals, necessary equipment and trips.

The funding the College has to help you with the cost of studying comes from a government fund and is public money. The assistance you receive is a discretionary award. It will always be conditional on your attendance at college. Whilst we recognise that students face financial pressures, the funding you are applying for is not a right and the College has a duty to make sure that the funds are awarded fairly and to the students most in need. We allocate our funding first come, first served, but this does not apply if you qualify for the Vulnerable Bursary.

To make a Financial Support application, please follow the link to the PayMyStudent portal.

Adult Discretionary Learner Support Fund/Advanced Learner Loans Bursary
The Group also has limited funds available to support students aged 19+ and starting a new course - the Adult Discretionary Learner Support Fund and Advanced Learner Loans Bursary. Further information and application forms are also accessible on Moodle.

To make things easier and quicker for you to apply, we have an online bursary application system called PayMyStudent which is simple to use.