Led by our Principal and Chief Executive, Sam Wright, the executive team is responsible for all aspects of College life and our future direction.

Sam Wright

Principal & Chief Executive

Sam Wright became the Principal & Chief Executive of the Heart of Yorkshire Education Group following the merger between Selby and Wakefield Colleges on 1st March 2022.

Sam has worked in Further Education for 28 years. She became Principal and CEO at Wakefield College in February 2011 and took over as interim Principal and CEO at Selby College on 1st January 2022, just prior to the merger.

Sam started her career in Further Education as a lecturer and then worked as a middle and senior manager, with a focus on curriculum and quality. She is inspired by the opportunity to improve lives and help individuals to achieve their potential through learning, as well as further developing excellent relationships with key partners and employers to inform the Group’s strategy, curriculum development and delivery.

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Clare Allcock

Group Executive Director: Student Experience & Support

Clare has worked in the further education sector for almost 25 years, spending the last decade at Wakefield College leading on Student Experience and Support.

Clare is also the Chair of the Youth Association Board of Trustees and is a coach/mentor with the Yorkshire Accord coaching and mentoring scheme.

Clare is responsible for:

  • Student Experience
  • Safeguarding & Prevent
  • Student Engagement
  • Student Support & Services
  • Student Wellbeing
  • Pastoral Curriculum
  • CEIAG, Guidance & Support
  • Enrolment
  • Sustainability

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Lorraine Cross

Group Executive Director: External Relations & Development

Lorraine has worked in the further education sector for more than 20 years. Lorraine joined Wakefield College in 2021 to project manage the merger with Selby College to form the Heart of Yorkshire Education Group in 2022.

Lorraine has strategic Group responsibility for:

  • External Partnerships
  • Marketing & Communications
  • School Partnerships
  • Admissions
  • Employer Engagement & Partnerships
  • Special Projects & Tendering Opportunities
  • Adult Skills Strategy & Planning
  • Distance Learning Provision
  • Apprenticeships Strategy, Recruitment & Delivery
  • Enrolment
  • Sustainability

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Lisa Macdonald

Group Executive Director: Curriculum & Quality Standards

Lisa has worked in the further education sector for more than 20 years. Students and teachers are at the heart of her strategic management.

Lisa has strategic oversight of curriculum and quality standards across the Group, with responsibility for:

  • Further Education Provision, including A levels, Vocational and Technical Education, Maths & English, Access Programmes and T Levels
  • Higher Education Programmes
  • Quality Assurance and Improvement Strategy
  • SEND Learners and Additional Learning Support

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Karen Sykes

Group Executive Director: People 

Karen has worked in human resources and staff development for 30 years, spending the last two decades overseeing Human Resources at Wakefield College.

Karen is responsible for:

  • People Strategy & Culture
  • Employee Relations
  • Payroll & Benefits
  • Workforce Development
  • Employee Wellbeing
  • Attraction and Retention
  • Safeguarding of Staff (Employment & Vetting)