• Health, Social Care & Wellbeing
  • Wakefield College
  • T Levels
  • School Leavers

 “I am going on to study ODP (Operating Department Practice) at Sheffield Hallam University where I will work alongside surgeons which is something I have always seen myself leaning towards. I think the support I got from my tutors has helped me get where I am today, they pushed me to achieve more than I expected I could, and I credit them for the grade that I got.”

“Being able to be in front of patients and professional staff on my placement meant that I got lots of practice in my confidence and communication skills with them. I also got to really understand the roles of the professionals in the hospital. Before beginning my placement, I didn’t believe I could make decisions by myself but after working in the hospital, I’m able to understand what’s best for some people and how to approach difficult situations. I was also able to build on my leadership and teamwork skills which are core skills needed to work in the NHS and healthcare environments.”

“I worked at Pindersfields Hospital in Wakefield on my placement and I was placed right into the action on the wards and got a real experience of the job. After completing all my hours, an agency came to speak to me and offered me a role and qualification as a healthcare assistant which I accepted and I now have that title and have been working alongside my studies."

T Level Health (Merit)