In late 2019, the Driving Change Project, funded by the National Lottery Community Fund, involved the Learning and Work Institute working in partnership with The Carers Federation, to improve the support that young adult carers receive in further education. Wakefield College was one of 12 Colleges accredited for supporting young adult carers through the project in 2020. We developed our processes to identify and support Young Adult Carers, making reasonable adjustments where possible to enable them to continue to care for their loved ones as well as studying to enable them to achieve their future goals. During the next academic year we will be applying for re-accreditation for all 3 Colleges within the group. We are and will continue to be a recognised carer friendly organisation.

A Young Adult Carer is young person aged 16-24 who is helping to look after someone who could not cope without their support. Most are caring for a parent, but some may be taking responsibility for a sibling, grandparent or other relative. In some instances, a young carer may care for more than one family member.

The person they look after will have one or more of the following:

  • Physical disability (including sensory disability)
  • Learning disability
  • Mental health problem
  • Chronic illness
  • Substance misuse problem

For more information contact the Group’s Young Adult Carer Lead This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.