• Art, Design & Photography
  • Wakefield College
The natural sculptures designed by Lily & Josh
The natural sculptures designed by Lily & Josh

Level 2 Art students Lily and Josh celebrate Wakefield College Ofsted results with fantastic natural sculptures.

Students Lily Green and Joshua Walsh who currently study Level 2 Art, worked together to complete a natural sculpture task – aimed at celebrating the College’s recent Ofsted result.

The duo worked hard to create a series of wool figures to represent students, choosing a simple design to focus on inclusion. Flower heads were chosen to promote the idea of students ‘blossoming’ during their time with the College and both worked to incorporate various courses into their designs, such as Art and Public Services.

Tutor Lynsey Collinson said, “What I really loved was how they included our recent Ofsted result, which was done by having each figure hold up a card that spells out GOOD.”

Both Josh and Lily are hoping to progress onto the Level 3 Art course next year to continue to pursue their creative ambitions.