• English & Humanities
  • Selby College
  • A Levels
  • School Leavers

“I am going to study Economics at the University of Manchester after achieving A*AA in my A Levels which I’m so pleased about. My dream job is to become an Army Officer so I’m also working towards attending the Royal Military College at Sandhurst. At College, I really liked my teachers. They were the reasons I got such good grades and they should be appreciated more! You can’t succeed at A Levels without the proper support structure around you and we all really had that here at Selby College thanks to the teachers who helped us with extra academic support and personal support. I chose Geography, History and Sociology for my A Levels because I was really passionate about them at GCSE level. It was one of the best decisions I’ve made as I’ve really enjoyed my time here. A Levels has taught me to see things through to the end and work towards that end goal. My advice to people wanting to study A Levels is that it may seem a lot, but all you can do is your best.”

A Levels - Geography (A*), History (A) and Sociology (A)