Course Overview

The creative industries are the fastest growing part of the UK economy. They are defined by the UK government as “those industries which have their origin in individual creativity, skill and talent and which have a potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property”. The Film and TV Industry is booming, it has grown more than 72% in value since 2014.

Throughout this course you will gain an insight into how the media operates and how it influences our lives. You will develop practical skills across a wide range of disciplines including camerawork, editing and screenwriting. As well as achieving the equivalent of three A Levels, you will also gain the practical skills and wider knowledge needed to progress towards a job in the industry.

The course will be delivered through a series of taught sessions and workshops, covering both theoretical and practical elements.

You will learn through completing a series of modules designed to develop a broad range of technical skills along with the ability to devise, research and produce a portfolio of audio-visual productions. The College also works in partnership with businesses and organisations to plan and provide creative and inventive activities so you can apply your knowledge and skills in a realistic context that cannot be replicated in the classroom. As part of the course you will have the opportunity to produce documentaries for a range of live clients, develop your own ideas for films and music videos, produce special effects and animations for TV and films.

What You Will Study

Examples of some of the topics you may study are:

  • Film and Television
  • Animation
  • Photography
  • Audio Production
  • Games Design
  • Graphic Design
  • How You Will Be Assessed

    Your practical work and written work will be assessed by the tutor throughout the course and internally verified.

    You will be assessed against examining body specifications which will be given to you within your assignment briefs.

  • Entry Requirements

    Predicted 3 GCSEs at Grade 9-1.


    A good reference from Head of Year 10 or Headteacher.

  • Further Study

    On completion with the appropriate pass and English and Maths grades you can progress through the levels.