Video Gallery

Hear from Drax employees about how they are impacting their business and the benefits of taking on T Level students.

Heart of Yorkshire Education Group receives Ofsted ‘Good’ grade and ‘Strong’ skills rating

Check out our amazing new video and find out why apprentices and employers choose to study and work with us.

An introduction to the University Centre at the Heart of Yorkshire Education Group, the third highest higher education instution for stuent satisfaction in Yorkshire.

Our Public Services took to the slopes in early 2020 with their annual Ski Trip. The ski trip is just one of many overseas trips available to Wakefield College students.

Highlights from the 2019 Wakefield College Graduation Day including robing, photograph and the Graduation Ceremony.

Another successful year for our A Level students came to a close with A Level results day!

The School of Popular Music brought another brilliant year of music to a close with their fantastic student music festival.