• Animal Care
  • Travel & Tourism
  • Wakefield College
Animal Care and Travel & Tourism students from Wakefield College at London Heathrow Airport

20 students from the Animal Care and Travel & Tourism departments at Wakefield College have joined together to embark on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Fiji, hosted by Think Pacific.

Their exciting excursion began on Saturday 9th March when the students and tutors departed on their flight to Fiji where they will be staying on the tropical South Pacific Island for three weeks.  

The trip’s itinerary is specially tailored to the Wakefield College’s Animal Care and Travel & Tourism provision – with activities encompassing eco-tourism, animal and wildlife care, sustainability and conservation.

During the eighteen days, students and staff from the College will explore the magnificent landscapes of the island such as the Rainforest Park, the Sand Dunes National Park, tropical gardens, coral reefs and bush trails.

They will be observing Fijian animals in their habitats, ranging from birds to reptiles and marine wildlife, as well as learning about the welfare and veterinary care they receive from charities on the Island such as Animals Fiji.

Several organisations will be delivering specialist presentations and projects for the group including the Coral Coast Conservation Centre, teaching them about the historical development of tourism in Fiji and the range of conservation efforts practiced on the Island.

Henry Manwaring, Deputy Head of Curriculum and the lead organiser of the trip, said: “After developing a relationship with Think Pacific, the College decided to select one of their educational trips to enrich the students’ learning, which has all been made possible through the funding from the Turing Scheme. The trip will showcase to the students the opportunities of eco-tourism, animal care and sustainability in Fiji. They will learn how tourism impacts the Island, its people and its wildlife.

The students will also have some independence to explore the island and relax on rest days and have even packed a Heart of Yorkshire Education Group flag so they can represent the Group from the other side of the world – nearly 10,000 miles away.”

Simon Darker, CEO at Think Pacific said: “At Think Pacific, our aim is to provide students with international opportunities that further their educational, vocational and technical skills; broaden their global perspectives and develop personal and social competencies including teamwork, communication, problem solving and confidence. We want to create an authentic experience of the Island for the students including visits to traditional villages and eco-retreats to learn about the customs and cultures of Fijian lifestyle and where they can take part in activities led by the community. Team activities such as volleyball, snorkelling and kayaking are running throughout the trip to provide some extracurricular time and a chance to make friends with the locals and other visiting learners.”

Ash, who studies Level 3 Animal Management, said: “I cannot wait to experience Fiji and work with Think Pacific on this programme. I am looking forward to going to the Kula Eco Park as I think it will be interesting to learn about the native animals, especially the marine life.”

The Wakefield College students have expressed their enthusiasm towards experiencing a new culture; some students have even been conducting their own research into their destination in advance of the trip.

Level 3 Travel & Tourism student, Kyle, commented: “To be given the opportunity to go to the other side of the world and discover an entirely different way of life is amazing. I am euphoric about getting the chance to go to Fiji – it is not often you get to experience things like this.”

Based in Leeds, Think Pacific organise work experience for students in the South Pacific Islands. They currently offer award-winning volunteer placements in Bali and Fiji, hosting educational institutions from all over the world.

Think Pacific’s approach aims to be responsible and receptive to the indigenous communities, with locally led projects to educate students on traditions and cultures, facilitating a life-changing and immersive learning experience.

The trip is fully funded for the students through the Turing Scheme – one of the UK Government’s initiatives to provide funding for international learning opportunities and global mobility projects for colleges and universities.