• Selby College
  • A Levels
Students collecting their A Level results

Students from Selby College are celebrating their outstanding results today, securing places at a number of Russell Group universities and heading on to prosperous careers in a range of industries.

Figures revealed that the College secured an overall pass rate of 98.6% across its subject areas, with almost 60% of students achieving high-grades (A*-B).

14 of the College’s 17 A Level courses achieved a 100% pass rate including Art & Design, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Computing, English Language, English Literature, Further Mathematics, Geography, History, Mathematics, Media Studies, Photography and Physics.

Amongst those celebrating was top performer Lucy Ruddle, who achieved A*s all around in Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Psychology. This has secured Lucy a place to study Chemistry for Drug Discovery and Development, at the University of Lincoln.

Lucy Ruddle, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Psychology student said: “I really enjoyed studying Chemistry at A Level so I wanted to carry it on at university. My tutors at Selby College were so supportive and helpful with any questions and they made the subjects really interesting.”

Tom Huetson is well on his way to fulfilling his dream of becoming a doctor, after securing a place at Hull York Medical School to study Medicine. Tom achieved A*’s in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics and an A in his Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

Tom Huetson, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics student said: “I chose to carry out an EPQ to expand my knowledge and understanding of auto-immune diseases further, which will prepare me for my next steps as I begin my degree in Medicine. My ambition is to become a doctor in the future.”

Another ambitious Doctor, Emma Battle, received an offer to study Medicine at Oxford University. Emma achieved A’s in Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics and has chosen to study Medicine at the University of Leeds.

Emma Battle, Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics student said: “I’ve been working hard for seven years to be able to study Medicine at university, so I’m extremely pleased to have made it to this point! The College has been amazing at helping me get into university and provided me with lots of support with my application. I have another few years of studying ahead but it will all be worth it in the end when I become a Doctor.”

After securing As in Business, Mathematics and Physics, Oliver Story has also secured a place to study Aerospace Engineering at the University of Sheffield.

Oliver Story, Business, Mathematics and Physics student said: “I enjoyed the subjects I studied and all the tutors were very helpful. I hope to one day become an Airline Pilot.”

Karen Ralphs, Head of A Levels at the Heart of Yorkshire Education Group said: “This cohort of students have had to deal with an unprecedented couple of years due to the Pandemic but they have coped admirably and excelled with these fantastic results. Despite the disruptions, we have continually adapted our approach to ensure our students received the help and support they needed, and we are delighted with the outcome.”

Sam Wright, Principal and Chief Executive at The Heart of Yorkshire Education Group said: “We are extremely proud of our students’ achievements. It is a testament to the hard work and dedication of our students along with the high-quality teaching and learning environment that exists here at Selby College. 2022 marked the first time in two years that students have sat exams, making their achievements all the more special. I, along with all the senior team and our Board of Governors, would like to congratulate all our staff and students for their success and wish them the best of luck as they move onto the next stage of their careers, whether that be studying at university, progressing onto a Higher Apprenticeship, entering employment or continuing their degree-level studies here with us at Selby College.”