• Business & Management
  • Wakefield College
The Hut logo

Back in May, Wakefield College industry partner, ENGIE hosted a virtual project week with their Level 2 and Level 3 Business students. The virtual work placement involved the students developing ideas for a marketing campaign for the The Hut Community Centre in Airedale, Castleford. The aim of the campaign being to promote it to the public and advertise its services and facilities. Students were also tasked with designing a new logo for the community centre which involved creating logo designs for The Hut Community Centre in Airedale.

Last week, the logo was unveiled at a launch event, organised by ENGIE at The Hut to celebrate the students hard work.

Helen Law, Work Placement Officer said “I am really pleased with how well our students have worked on The Hut project with ENGIE. It has been a brilliant opportunity where they have been given a valuable insight into what it is like to work within a marketing role. They have worked collaboratively, respected each others ideas and come up with some great, creative marketing concepts for The Hut Community Centre. Thank you to ENGIE for the opportunity and for all of their support.”