What You Will Study

The courses available alongside the Football Development Programme are all Sport courses – However some courses may have slightly limited access to training. You will study modules such as Coaching & Leadership, Anatomy, Biomechanics, Nutrition, Psychology, Massage, Performance Analysis plus much more. You will also receive a football education designed by our UEFA and pro club coaches on developing skills, squad practices, different formations, how to break teams down and how to win.

  • Entry Requirements

    The Football Development Programme is open to students aged 16-19 (male and female). Selection is through football trials during the spring and summer period. FDP players should be currently playing to a high standard relative to their age (former academy/top grassroots). You must of course meet the entry criteria for your full-time course as well.

  • Further Study

    Students can progress into university at Wakefield College University Centre (and carry on their Football Development) or other UK universities. They also have the opportunity to be selected for a soccer scholarship at a university in the USA. We work close with professional and recommended companies to ensure peace of mind and a quality of service when progressing.