Students in a science lab

Course Overview

GCSE Biology offers students the chance to study the biological sciences and to achieve one Grade (9-1).

GCSE Biology helps students to develop a good understanding of the world of living things, from how a basic cell works to the complexities of an ecosystem. This topic-based specification is designed to encourage students to adopt a practical enquiry approach, which helps to develop practical Science skills.

Lessons will consist of lectures, practical work and group work. There will be regular homework and you will need to spend at least three hours per week on additional study and revision.  There are 10 required practical activities that need to be completed during the course.

What You Will Study

You will learn the basic concepts of biology through the study of seven topics:

  • Cells
  • Organisation
  • Infection and response
  • Bioenergetics
  • Homeostasis and response
  • Inheritance, variation and evolution
  • Ecology
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