Course Overview

This is an ideal course for people who are interested in extending their floristry skills to an advanced level, exploring creative ideas, critically evaluating displays and producing inspirational floral designs which could lead on to further study or employment.

Initially in lessons there will be a demonstration and a related practical tasks, plus some theory work. The aim is to build skills gradually throughout the course so that you will have the confidence to develop your own ideas and outcome and work towards client and commercial briefs.

What You Will Study

After developing more advanced floristry skills you will be working towards realistic client briefs to plan, schedule and produce a range of floral displays. Consideration will be given to financial implications. There will be an opportunity to develop unique and innovative displays and respond to a commercial brief which utilises arrange of skills and techniques providing a good foundation for working in the floristry industry.

  • Attendance Expectations

    Tuesday evening 6.00pm-9.00pm.

  • How You Will Be Assessed

    A portfolio will be produced during the course which includes some written work, planning, design, costing, creation and evaluation of commercial floristry displays.

  • Entry Requirements

    Completion of a Level 2 course in floristry or previous commercial experience. We would expect you to have an interest in flowers and floral techniques and an interest in developing these to a professional level.

  • Fee Information
