Course Overview

This is an ideal course for people who are interested in developing basic floristry skills, exploring creative ideas and producing inspirational floral designs.

At each lesson there will be a demonstration and a related practical assignment, plus some theory work. The aim is to build skills gradually throughout the course so that you will have the confidence to develop your own ideas and outcomes.

What You Will Study

The course is designed to give you a well-rounded experience of working in all areas of floristry. You will learn how to identify, purchase and care for flowers and plants. You will study colour theory and the use of colour within floristry. You will learn and practise the skills involved in hand-tied bouquets and packaging, wiring, bridal work, funeral tributes and various floral display techniques. You will learn both traditional and contemporary floral techniques and discover how to respond to given themes in order to create your own personal floral work.

  • Attendance Expectations

    You will attend Thursday evenings 6.00pm - 9.00pm.

  • How You Will Be Assessed

    Assessment is carried throughout the course, and you will be asked to prepare a portfolio of evidence. You will gain the NCFE Level 2 Award in Creative Crafts (Floristry).

  • Entry Requirements

    No prior floristry skills are required. We would expect you to have an interest in flowers and floral techniques and a willingness to participate fully in each lesson.

  • Fee Information


    This fee does not include materials. You will need to provide scissors, tape and other floristry items for your tool-box and fresh flowers and plant materials each week.

  • Further Study

    Level 3 course in Creative Craft / Floristry.