What You Will Study

Examples of topics you may study include:

Individuals, Firms, Markets and Market Failure:

  • Individual Economic Decision-making
  • Production, Costs and Revenue
  • Perfect Competition, Imperfectly Competitive Markets and Monopoly
  • The Labour Market
  • The Distribution of Income and Wealth
  • Poverty and Inequality
  • The Market Mechanism, Market Failure and Government Intervention in Markets

The National and International Economy:

  • The Measurement of Macroeconomic Performance
  • How the Macroeconomy Works
  • The Circular Flow of Income
  • AD/AS Analysis and Related ConceptsEconomic Performance
  • Financial Markets and Monetary Policy
  • Fiscal Policy and Supply-side Policies; and the International Economy
  • How You Will Be Assessed

    This course is examined by written external exams, set and marked by the exam board.

    To pass the full A Level you will sit three two hour exams at the end of the 2nd year

    Paper 1: assessment on markets and market failure. You answer two long questions; one from each section. In section A, you can choose one context from a choice of two, and in section B one context from a choice of three.

    Paper 2: assessment on national and international economy – again, you answer two long questions; one from each section. In sections A, you can choose one context from a choice of two, and in section B one context from a choice of three.

    Paper 3: assessment of economic principles and issues. Section A is multiple choice and section B has extended writing questions.

  • Entry Requirements

    5 GCSEs at Grade 9-4, including English Language.


    Grade 6 in Maths.

  • Further Study

    The majority of students progress to Degree level of study at university. This may be a degree in Economics itself or a related discipline.