Students talking to each other in a classroom

Course Overview

This BA (Hons) Early Childhood Education and Care Top-Up degree enables experienced practitioners with a Foundation Degree in Early Years/Early Childhood Studies, teaching and learning and other equivalent foundation degrees in early childhood studies, to enter the course directly at BA stage.

What You Will Study

During your course, you will be taught by experts in the field of early childhood studies, using various teaching methods and interactive technology to promote learning, including group activities, class debates and discussion, lectures and seminar sessions, as well as independent learning and study expectations.

You will receive regular feedback and personal tutorial support throughout the course to develop both your academic and professional skills.

Current modules include*:

  • Creativity in Early Childhood Education and Care – this module will allow you to explore the cognitive and cultural implications of creative teaching and learning including the theories, principles, beliefs and pedagogical practices that have influenced current practice.
  • Professional Practice – Working with 0 – 8’s, this module requires you to work alongside professional practitioners in early years settings, further developing your knowledge, skills and competence in working with babies, toddlers young children, families and other professionals.
  • Leadership and Management in Early Childhood Education and Care – this module will provide you with the opportunity to gain a practical and critical understanding of the current issues facing leaders and managers within Early Childhood settings in England, with a particular focus on the management of change and multi-agency and multi-professional (integrated) partnership-working.
  • International Perspectives in Early Childhood Education and Care – this module presents you with a range of contemporary early years aspects of provision, care and education, and will raise your awareness of current international trends; particularly economic and political, and how they impact on children and families. You will be encouraged to have a creative, analytical and inquiring attitude in order to debate and critically consider the future of early childhood provision.
  • Dissertation – this module enables you to be autonomous learners and will deepen your learning and investigative skills as early years professionals. You will be introduced to a range of research practices within the field of Educational Research.

*Please note that units may be subject to change from year to year, due to curriculum updating/sector changes/changes in delivery staff specialisms or awarding body requirements. See Course Terms and Conditions for more details.

To ensure your learning is current and valid we have mapped the Early Childhood Studies Degree Network (ECSDN) Graduate Practitioner Competencies to each module. ECSDN Booklet - Front Cover July 2020.

  • Entry Requirements
    • Successful completion of a Level 5 foundation degree in Early Childhood Studies or equivalent
    • Grade C/4 or above in GCSE English and Maths
    • Working or volunteering (placement) in the Early Years setting
    • Successful completion of DBS

    You must be over 18 years of age and should be employed within the sector, either paid or unpaid, for a minimum of 180 hours over the duration of the course. You will need a work-based mentor and will also receive workplace visits from your tutors.

  • Fee Information

    Full-time: £7,400 Part-time: £3,700 per year