What You Will Study

The qualification will offer underpinning knowledge and occupational competence for the role of a healthcare science assistant. This includes knowledge and understanding of:

  • Skills for Lifelong Learning
  • Professional Practice and Person-Centred Care
  • Legal and Ethical Contact of Practice
  • Health, Safety and Security in the Healthcare Science Environment
  • Technical Scientific Services
  • Effective Communication in Healthcare and Teamwork
  • Reflection and Continuing Personal and Professional Development
  • Attendance Expectations

    Apprentices must be given 20% off the job hours by the employer to work towards their apprenticeship.

  • How You Will Be Assessed

    A portfolio of evidence including competency-based observations and witness testimonies.

    End Point Assessment designed to ensure that the apprentice has the opportunity to demonstrate in a variety of ways that they have achieved the skills, knowledge and behaviours outlined in the Standard

    • Element 1- Vocational Competence Observation (VCO) – 30
      mins (10 mins per task) plus 15 minutes for discussion and recording
    • Element 2 – Professional Practice Test (PPT) – 60 mins for apprentice to undertake the test under exam conditions; 20 minutes for discussion; 15 mins for all responses to be assessed and recorded
    • Element 3 - Professional discussion (PD) informed by the evidence presented – 30 minutes plus 15 minutes to complete assessment record

    Reflective self-assessment showing evidence that the apprentice has developed an insight into their personal and professional development.

  • Entry Requirements

    No prior knowledge, understanding, skills or qualifications are required before learners register for this qualification, however knowledge within the field is assumed.

    Apprentices without Level 1 English and Maths will need to achieve this prior to taking the end-point assessment. They must also sit the Level 2 test for both English and Maths.

  • Fee Information

    Please contact the Apprenticeship Recruitment Team on 01924 789469 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Further Study

    Opportunity to study towards the Health Care Science Associate Level 4 Qualification.