Course Overview
This Site Carpentry Apprenticeship is available to anyone aged 16 years or over, who is employed or has secured employment within the industry and developing skills associated with carpentry.
Working on a construction site or in a person’s home, these work activities will include stud partition work, roofing elements, installation of doors, window frames, skirting and architrave, stairs, floorboards and cupboards; sometimes utilising modern methods of construction and premanufactured elements to construct.
An employee in this occupation will be responsible for creating a high-quality product which meets standards, specifications, and design plans. They are expected to do this with due regard to all safety aspects involved with working on a construction site, ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others always. With sustainable construction at the forefront of all projects, it is expected they would consider the environment and sustainability of materials, waste awareness and recycling.
Successful completion of this course leads to qualified Site Carpenter status.
To supplement development as a site carpenter in the work place you will attend college to learn through tutor led classroom and workshop sessions.
This on-site learning will be supported with Microsoft Teams, providing access to college resources and a channel for communication when not in college.
In the workplace, where you will be required to maintain a record of workplace activity alongside a portfolio of skills development, you and your employer will be supported by both a college reviewer and a college assessor.
What You Will Study
The aim of this apprenticeship study is to develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to work successfully as a site carpenter in a sector working towards Net Zero.
Our programme of study is sequenced to address resilience and wellbeing at the start of the programme through a one-day programme.
This is followed by an intensive Health and Safety programme that supports knowledge around the Standard. Whilst there is no mandatory on-programme assessment for this element, upon completion it is possible to achieve the Level 1 Award in Health and Safety, this will support CSCS card attainment.
The knowledge and skills around first fix and second fix elements together with associated repairs are developed. This supports skills being developed in the workplace.
Knowledge associated with the principles of construction is developed with modern methods of construction and retrofit knowledge embedded. Whilst there is no mandatory on-programme assessment of this element of the programme it is possible to achieve a Level 2 Award in Retrofit to demonstrate attainment.
Where a Level 2 qualification in English and Maths is not held on entry, you will be required to study and complete the assessment for Level 2 English and Level 2 Maths assessments (this could be GCSE, Functional Skills or other).
- Attendance Expectations
Attendance for each week will be Monday to Friday from 09.00am to 16.30. Attendance at college is expected to be 15-16 months on a block week release basis, within the first 11 months there are expected 6 block weeks and within the last 7 months there are expected 4 block weeks. The typical college day is 50% classroom based and 50% workshop based.
- How You Will Be Assessed
Throughout the training period both college lecturers/assessors and your employer representative will complete progress reviews. When both your employer and the college consider you competent in all the knowledge, skills, and behaviours you will be entered in for the EPA (End Point Assessment).
This is a three-part independent assessment:
- Knowledge assessment, a multiple-choice exam.
- Skills assessment -simulated practical tasks.
- Oral assessment, professional discussion around your portfolio produced from the workplace.
Successful assessments are graded pass/merit/distinction.
- Entry Requirements
Over 16 years and gained employment in the industry, developing bricklaying skills.
GCSE Grade 9-4, including Maths and English.
You will be required to take an initial skills assessment.
However, following overall consideration of the skills required by this standard, entry requirements will be determined by the employer.
- Fee Information
These fees relate to 2024/25:
- Further Study
Progression to the Level 3 Apprenticeship for Site Carpentry is available at Castleford College; progression to the Level 4 Apprenticeship for Construction Site Supervisor is also available at Castleford College.