Student working in book

Course Overview

This Apprenticeship is for capable individuals wishing to pursue a career in Accounting and/or Finance through the combination of actual employment and the achievement of nationally recognised qualifications.

The majority of your skills and knowledge will be developed through your employer and the job that you do. This will be complemented and supported by your planned training programme incorporating attendance on the College's courses in Accounting and Functional Skills. All learning must be recorded to demonstrate you are achieving at least 20% of your working week to off the job learning, a requirement of the apprenticeship. This will be discussed and agreed with you and your employer at the start of the apprenticeship.

What You Will Study

At least 20% of your working week for the duration of the apprenticeship must be spent carrying out new learning relating to the apprenticeship standards. To support you in achieving this, you will study the AAT Level 2 Accounting Certificate:

  • Introduction to Bookkeeping
  • Principles of Bookkeeping
  • Principles of Costing
  • The Business Environment (This will be assessed within the synoptic exam taken at the end of the course)

As part of your End Point Assessment, you will be required to take an In-tray test and attend a remote interview with AAT. The interview will require you to discuss and reflect on your portfolio of evidence you will have prepared throughout the year.

  • Attendance Expectations

    You will be required to attend sessions dependant on the study method chosen.

    • Wakefield Daytime Course – Monday 9am-4.30pm

    • Wakefield Evening Course – Thursday 6pm-9pm – subject to contract changes with your employer.

    • Castleford Morning Couse – Monday 9am-12.15pm

    You are also required to meet regularly with your apprenticeship assessor in your place of work for reviews on progress and workplace assessments to take place.

    If you are undertaking Functional Skills as part of your apprenticeship, you will be required to attend college for a week block of teaching, per Functional Skills subject. This will be discussed at your enrolment and induction.

  • How You Will Be Assessed

    Assessment will be continuous and take place in both the workplace and the College. There will be a combination of computer-based assessments and projects or work-based evidence.

  • Entry Requirements

    Certificate evidence of English and Maths at Level 1 or GCSE Grade 9-4. 

    If you do not have these, we can support the development of your English and Maths skills through completion of Functional Skills in the relevant subject and one-to-one support. Most employers look for ability in these areas and the majority of university courses require you to have Maths and English GCSEs Grade 9-4. This is why the development of Maths and English is so important, whatever your field of study.

    Apprentices without Level 1 English and Maths will need to achieve this level and taken the test for Level 2 prior to taking their end point assessment.

  • Fee Information

    Please contact the Apprenticeship Recruitment Team on 01924 789469 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

  • Further Study

    On completion, the apprentice will be able to apply for the most appropriate level of professional membership aligned within this apprenticeship (Advanced Level 3 Apprenticeship)