• English for Speakers of Other Languages
  • Wakefield College
ESOL students painted over 200 individual slates

Wakefield College students put their artistic flair to good use and created a huge piece of artwork to mark Black History Month. Students on the English for Speakers of other Languages (ESOL) course painted over 200 individual slates to create a large mural of the African continent.

ESOL lecturer, Kathryn Render said: “Students from different ages, backgrounds and abilities listened to African music and shared stories of their own backgrounds while painting their slates. The final piece uses the universal language of art to portray our students’ messages of love, pride and positivity in their roots.

“Over 200 pieces of different sized and shaped slate reflect the diversity of our students. We painted the pieces using traditional African patterns and designs to celebrate the wealth and colour of Africa where many of our students’ histories stem from. The surrounding pebbles represent an embrace of cultures within Wakefield College and surrounding areas.”

The project also reiterated the Colleges commitment to sustainability as the material used came from old slates that were initially destined for landfill alongside garden pebbles that were used for the border. The individual pieces will now be sold with money raised going into the Wakefield College Student Hardship Fund.