Student working on a sculpture

Course Overview

This programme is for committed students with previous experience of Art and Design evidenced by success at GCSE Level and by presentation of a portfolio of relevant art work. Work will be undertaken in a studio environment with access to specialist equipment and resources, in addition to gallery visits and onsite research and recording encouraged.

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their skills, creativity, contextual knowledge, confidence and critical thinking through exploration of a variety of techniques, approaches and workshops.

What You Will Study

This programme is for committed students with previous experience of art and design evidenced by success at GCSE Level and by presentation of a portfolio of relevant art work.

You will study a range of Art, Craft & Design areas including:

  • Fine Art: drawing, painting, mixed-media, sculpture, ceramics, installation, printmaking, moving image (video, film, animation) and photography.
  • Graphic Communication: interactive media (including web, app and game design), advertising, packaging design, design for print, illustration, communication graphics, branding, multimedia, motion graphics, design for film and television.
  • Textile Design: fashion design, fashion textiles, costume design, digital textiles, printed and/or dyed fabrics and materials, domestic textiles, wallpaper, interior design, constructed textiles, art textiles and installed textiles.
  • Three-dimensional Design: ceramics, sculpture, exhibition design, design for theatre, television and film, interior design, product design, environmental design, architectural design, jewellery/body ornament and 3D digital design.
  • Photography: portraiture, landscape photography, still life photography, documentary photography, photojournalism, fashion photography, experimental imagery, multimedia, photographic installation and moving image (video, film, animation).

Students then choose to complete a personal project using at least 2 of these areas.

The course is based on practical working methods including the use of sketchbooks, worksheets and journals informed by current and historical contextual sources. Sessions are project based and artwork is produced initially in an experimental way, showing research into a related topic, development work through drawings and designs, experimentation in relevant area, then an outcome. You will use a selection media to develop and progress your work.

You will be introduced to a variety of experiences involving a range of media, audiences, processes and techniques. Workshop style sessions will give practical knowledge and experience through tutor demonstrations and production of samples. You will explore images, artefacts and resources relating to a range of art, craft and design, from the past and from recent times. Visits to local galleries will also be encouraged both independently and through organised visits.

  • How You Will Be Assessed

    You will be assessed on a body of work produced for Component 1 and Component 2.

    Component 1 consists of a Personal Investigation project where you will explore a subject of your own choice from initial ideas through to a significant final outcome. Component 1 also includes a 1500 – 3000 word academic essay where you will critically explore the work of the artists who have inspired you and document your own progress through the Personal Investigation. Component 1 is worth 60% of your overall grade.

    Component 2 is the Externally Set Assignment where you will undertake a project based on your choice from a selection of starting points provided by AQA. As part of Component 2, you will produce a final outcome created independently over 15 hours of supervised sessions. Component 2 is worth 40% of your overall grade.

    Both Component 1 and Component 2 are assessed using 4 Assessment Objectives; Assessment Objective 1 explores the work of other artists, designers, and craftspeople.

    Assessment Objective 2 explores different media, developing, reviewing and refining work as you progress.

    Assessment Objective 3 demonstrates your ability to how skilled work and idea.

    Assessment Objective 4 is where you create a personal, highly skilled final outcome informed by the project you have produced.

  • Entry Requirements

    5 GCSEs at Grade 9-4, including English and Maths.


    A minimum of a Grade 5 in an Art based subject if studied at GCSE.

  • Further Study

    Many of our students continue with Arts based subjects after A Level.

    Foundation, HNC and HND courses are available at Wakefield College after completing Arts based A Levels.